

To begin the process of requesting membership, one must submit an application personally at a BOD meeting (last Monday of the month - 6:30pm).

At that time, you must bring your completed application, and a check (made out to HHRG for $205)
(see fee schedule for breakdown).

You will then be required to attend one orientation/safety seminar either the Wednesday (6-9pm), or the Saturday (10-1pm) between that BOD meeting and the following Member's Meeting (first Monday of the month 7:30pm).

With this obligation met, and your application signed by the instructor, your reading will take place at the membership meeting, where members will vote on the acceptance of your membership.


Jeff Richards
- President
Audie Bates
- Vice President
Mike Johnson

Dave Netzley
- Secretary

Board of Directors:

Charlie Antonopoulos
Jim Antonopoulos
Dan Clark
Shelby Dole
Keith Gopsill
Steve Hill
Dan W Johnson
Paul Lehane
Mark Mazurkiewicz
Sharon Netzley

Please note that our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 , and we do NOT pro-rate our memberships. New members who join over the winter will still be expected to renew in June! However, first-time members joining between April and June will not be expected to renew until June of the following year.

Commitee Chairs:
Pistol: Jeff Richards
Rifle: Steve Hill
Safety: BOD
Archery: Audie Bates


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